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WillBe Group, a strategy and management consulting firm (with a turnover of more than €10M, 50 associates spread across Paris, Geneva and Brussels) helps companies and organisations work out their strategy, business development and complex transformation projects.
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Our offer covers the three main pillars of corporate sustainability and growth:
Vision and Development
Performance and Transformation
Culture and People Mobilisation
With lots of experience in contexts of high stake transformations and multicultural environments, our senior-led teams intervene and work closely with our clients:
- Associates (Franck César, Jilani Djellalil, Nadine Jaouiche, Natacha Leymarie, Bertrand Mingaud, Hugues Morley-Pegge) with years of experience in international consulting firms and in leadership positions involved with transition management projects.
- Professionals who are passionate about their jobs and committed to making their clients successful
- A network of associate experts who work regularly with WillBe Group (qualified experts who are known in their respective fields)
- Clients who have renewed their trust in our firm and appreciate our entrepreneurial mindset: our tailored interventions, our interdisciplinarity and our goal-driven approach.
We are uniquely positioned to analyse the new trends that have an impact on companies and:
- Design innovative offers
- Produce relevant content on our Blog
- Publish renowned specialised books

- Founded in:
- 2007
- Headquarters:
- Paris
- 上韩国网站梯子
- 11-50
employees - Parity:
- 上韩国网站梯子82% employees
He spent the first twenty years of his already impressive consulting career at several large consultancies, among which Eurogroup.
In 2001, he was one of the founders of Weave Group, where he led the Management Consulting division, qu’il quittera. He left that division once it reached 100 consultants in house.
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趣说:凭什么韩国半导体比日本半导体过得好?-电源网:2021-4-24 · 谈及半导体,一定要说的是日本和韩国这两大国家。伡三星为伟表的韩国半导体,科研技术冠绝全球,除了手机,三星在电视、存储器、面板等近20种产品上都是全球NO.1。另一方面,日本半导体的伟表——东芝公司的日子过得就不那么顺利了。
He spent the first twenty years of his already impressive consulting career at several large consultancies, among which Eurogroup.
In 2001, he was one of the founders of Weave Group, where he led the Management Consulting division, qu’il quittera. He left that division once it reached 100 consultants in house.
With renewed ambition and vision, he created WillBe Group. This new venture was the fruit of an in-depth examination of how his profession had evolved and the desire to offer innovative consulting services with experienced and ambitious consultants.
His area of expertise involves helping companies work out their strategic consistency, moving from vision to action and developing talent. He is one of the authors of a book published in 2015 titled La Transformation Digitale : saisir les opportunités du numérique pour l’entreprise (“Digital Transformation: help you company seize the opportunities of digital”, Dunod).

About WillBe Group
WillBe Group, a strategy and management consulting firm (with a turnover of more than €10M, 50 associates spread across Paris, Geneva and Brussels) helps companies and organisations work out their strategy, business development and complex transformation projects.
Our mission: to accelerate your value creation!
Our offer covers the three main pillars of corporate sustainability and growth:
Vision and Development
Performance and Transformation
Culture and People Mobilisation
With lots of experience in contexts of high stake transformations and multicultural environments, our senior-led teams intervene and work closely with our clients:
- Associates (Franck César, Jilani Djellalil, Nadine Jaouiche, Natacha Leymarie, Bertrand Mingaud, Hugues Morley-Pegge) with years of experience in international consulting firms and in leadership positions involved with transition management projects.
- Professionals who are passionate about their jobs and committed to making their clients successful
- A network of associate experts who work regularly with WillBe Group (qualified experts who are known in their respective fields)
- Clients who have renewed their trust in our firm and appreciate our entrepreneurial mindset: our tailored interventions, our interdisciplinarity and our goal-driven approach.
We are uniquely positioned to analyse the new trends that have an impact on companies and:
- Design innovative offers
- Produce relevant content on our Blog
- Publish renowned specialised books
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